Managing retired life


   Managing retired life

Retirement is the withdrawal from one's position or occupation. 

Management of life after retirement describes planning for the next unpredictable,uncertain and unavoidable new life style when one withdraws from active service.

It is a very interesting feeling when one leads retired life.The discipline maintained throughout service life has suddenly brokendown.The person leading this life have required some time  for adjustment. Daily routine make some changes in his minds also.Gradually it  becomes clear that nothing going normal as before.Health becomes pale, family members attitude become unfamiliar,everybody dam cares.

However ,this is not abnormal.Everybody wants the guy to ramain  busy asusual.But they would not  know this is the law of the day.The retired person must understand this and continue  normal life as it is another style of life.Monotonous situation may go away by early rising from bed, saying prayer regularly, morning walk, visiting house of close relatives and friends nearby.

Some persons have hobby of gardening, angling, bee / fish keeping etc .These good habits may help the retired person to remain busy . One should become busy by marketing essential things of family that we need regular.Thus one retired life may turn into busy life.